Italian - Italy

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Titolare e responsabile del trattamento dei dati è

Società Italiana di Otorinolaringologia Pediatrica

Via L.Pigorini, 6
00162 - Roma
tel.: 06 44291164 - fax: 06 44235157

C.F. e P.IVA: 97018420584

nella persona del legale rappresentante:

dr.Nicola Mansi

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The Italian  Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology is a scientific association, that has got the aim of promotion and circulation of the study of Otorhinolaryngology on specific points of view and on infantil illnesses.

This Association isn’t for sake of money, it doesn’t practise business activities or sharings, hasn’t got political aims and doesn’t practise trade-union activities.

It was established in 1978 by Prof. C. Gatti Manacini ( the honorarium President until 1991)and S. Crifò ( the first President from 1978 until 1980) and now the association is in Pigorini n. 6 street, Rome.

Its institutional aims are:

-          the organization of a national congress;

-          the organization of adjournment courses, meetings, workshops and other scientific activities, which can involve also similar specialistic branches, particularly in the sector of Pediatrics;

-          the collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Provinces, the medical Factories and the other organisms and public medical institutions in the organization of professional adjournment activities and of a permanent formation for the members with annual programmes of ECM formative activity;

-          the processing of guide-lines, in collaboration with the ASSR and FISM, the promotion of studies trials and scientific researches;

-          the promotion of closer relations of collaboration with other Societies and Italian and Foreign Scientific Organisms.                                           

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